“Remember, trial and error is the most expensive investment you’ll ever make in your business.”

Marisa Murgatroyd


Individual Marketing Training Videos

The individual training presentations, are the most sought after marketing materials derived from “Cracking the Secret Code That Unlocks Your Wedding Cake Sales.”

Each presentation includes a video lecture, a pdf of the lecture, and a (optional) 30-minute or 1-hour consultation with Ed.






Bundled Marketing Training Videos

Select training presentations have been bundled together from the course, “Cracking the Secret Code That Unlocks Your Wedding Cake Sales.”

The bundles are designed for you to achieve one sales or marketing goal at a time in place of taking the whole course.

You’ll find guidance and support, irrespective of how inexperienced or knowledgeable you are.




Gold Standard Wedding Cake Baker

Coming Soon!

Over the course of the last 12 years, brides have repeatedly requested a solution to help them locate caring, competent and trustworthy bakers.

Brides are telling us, “Any baker can put up a perfect website or Facebook page, but they don’t let us know whether they are licensed, have liability insurance, or a way for us to figure out if they are trustworthy.”

When we proposed creating a simple designation to demonstrate trust and competency, brides overwhelmingly liked the idea.




Analyze Your Marketing and Sales (Get your X-ray today)

Wouldn’t it be nice to know if your sales and marketing methods are functioning at peak performance?

Let Ed provide you with the proof by giving your system an X-ray.

Ed’s analysis includes your website, brochures, consultations, sales pitches, direct mail pieces, phone scripts, bridal show strategy, your advertising with the “knot” and “WeddingWire or any other strategy, tactic or tool you would like to evaluate.

Then, he will provide recommendations to boost your effectiveness, resulting in either taking more orders, having the ability to charge higher prices, making more profit or all three.

Get Your X-ray Now!

Normally: $1,497
For a limited time:



You also have the option of inviting Ed to your business to perform a hands-on analysis.

Call 402-968-2758 to choose a date.



Wedding Cake Business Master Hierarchy Training

Coming Soon!

This training is like an angel offering you the “Holy Grail” for giving eternal life to your wedding cake business.

You’ll be handed the key to a proprietary business-success formula specifically created for cake boutiques, bakeries or home bakers who sell wedding cakes.

Ed paid $37,500 to a couple of marketing geniuses to get a hold of this treasure map. Now, he’s willing to share and teach you everything in it for less than 2% of his original investment.

This course has one mission: Give you a detailed map to discover the gems of wedding cake sales success for years to come.