Bundled Sales Tools

The packaged sales presentations, including their accompanying tools are the same 5 individual sales training presentations bundled together.

With this bundled package, you’ll receive an optional 2-hour consultation with Ed, due to the scope and breadth of the sales tools.

As previously discussed, a personal consultation will clarify every facet of the contents, how to use them to their fullest extent, understand the psychology behind why what you learned is highly effective, and to answer your questions.

If you choose a consultation along with your bundled training, please watch all the lectures, take notes, get familiar with your sales tools and then use our online appointment calendar to schedule your consultation.

Before you select a bundled presentation, it is highly recommended you begin by first ordering the Foundational Building Blocks presentations . The foundational presentations are the essential building blocks to understand WHY everything you’ll learn in the bundled lectures are effective.