Bundle 4: Sales Tools



    • Video 5.1:  Copywriting That Grabs Your Brides’ Attention

      Discover what “power words” are (I’ve included my personal list of 16 pages) and how to use them in your copy. Also, you’ll receive 50 ready-to-use headlines, so you can grab the attention of your brides in ads, on your website or any other marketing materials.

      (16 pages of Word editable “Power-Words” and a separate list of 50 headlines.)

    • Video 5.2: How to Impress and Influence Your Bride the First Time She Calls (The First  Bride’s dialogue)

      I’ll share a couple of masterful phone scripts specifically for the first time a bride calls. They’ve been written to provide brides with the confidence you’re better and different than anyone else they’ve contacted. The bottom line is, it makes them eager to book a consultation with you. In addition, it makes them look forward to their consultation.

      (You’re able to customize the ready-to-use Word document, so it’s personal and suits your needs.)

    • Video 5.3: Captivating On-hold Messages

      In this presentation we’ll look at the objectives for what your on-hold messages must say, so brides are immediately impressed with who you are and to set you apart from your competitors.

    • Video 5.4: Gripping Personal Greeting Messages

      We’ll go over 10 ready-made dynamic messages to create heightened confidence in you and your abilities. Yes, they are ready to immediately record on your phone.

    • Video 5.5: How to Craft the Perfect 30 Second Elevator Pitch

      I’ll share with you how to develop a meaningful elevator pitch that lets brides know who you are inside and what makes you unique. Having a spellbinding elevator pitch is an absolute must if you want to rack-up sales in bridal shows or networking events.

    • Video 5.6: A Pre-Appointment Questionnaire on a Mission

      Using a pre-appointment questionnaire will result in a more productive and caring consultation. We’ll look at a proven format and the questions you’ll want to ask.

    • Video 5.7: Using Educational Emails Prior to the Consultation

      Before you ever meet with your brides, this simple tactic affords you the opportunity to pre-sell yourself and your services. We’ll discuss 3 specific emails I send, that you can also use to understand the concept and then implement.

    • Video 5.9: How to Use a Discussion Brief to Show You Care More Than Your Competitors

      We’re going to take a closing technique called the “Summary Close” and turn it on its head to demonstrate you care more about your brides than anyone else they’ll visit.

    • Video 5.10: Implementing Shrewd Special Offers

      Have you ever used a “shrewd special offer?” It is an ingenious technique to get brides off the fence to say…YES! I’ll show you how to capitalize from them.

    • Video 5.11: Boost Your Sales by Adding Compelling Bonuses

      We’ll go over tried-and-true bonuses to close brides when you need to increase sales, especially in slow or winter months.

    • Video 5.12: Applying Video: It’s a Domination Tool

      I’ll explain why video is one of the top psychological marketing tools and how to employ it effectively to persuade even more brides to choose you.

    • Video 5.13: The Bride’s Wedding Cake Buying Decision Matrix

      Contained within a simple graph, you’ll discover all the steps which go through a bride’s mind before she decides to hire someone. With this tool, you can now make sure it’s you. (Included in tier 1.)

    • Video 5.14: The Ad Reliability Evaluator (AD-ffective)

      Take the guesswork out of designing a winning ad. This brilliant tool provides a proven formula to insure your ad performs as it should instead of wasting your money.

      (Template included)