Bundle 2: Building Your Case of Evidence: Creating the World’s Best External Perception



  • Video 3.1: Positioning Associations and Awards for Maximum Effectiveness

    We’ll nail-down the correct ways for using associations and awards, so your brides view you as an expert, authority, and a person they should choose

  • Video 3.2: A Guide for Mastering Impressive Testimonials and Endorsements

    To make you look like a shining star, I’ll show you how to extract extraordinary testimonials and endorsements that are powerful and meaningful.

  • Video 3.3: Making Your Credentials Standout and Count

    You’ll be shown how to use your education, decorating classes, designations and other qualifications to illuminate your skills and talents…instead of possibly rubbing your bride the wrong way by sounding conceited.

  • Video 3.4: 7 Potent Ways to Take Advantage of Your Wedding Cake Photos

    We’ll explore successful ways to increase sales using your wedding cake photos and the psychology behind the techniques.

  • Video 3.5: Get Noticed: How to Write Blockbuster Press Releases

    I’ll share a guide for achieving expert recognition in the press by using press releases while explaining how to use them as powerful marketing tools.

  • Video 3.6: A Priceless Presentation Folder

    Very few bakers use a presentation folder. Lucky for you. According to psychologists it creates an “Anchor” in your bride’s mind. That anchor fosters a bond between you and your brides over competitors who don’t use a presentation folder. In this presentation we’ll delve into its use and into the incredible leverage it offers you.  

  • Video 3.7: Creating Phenomenal FAQs

    We’ll review the research that uncovered the unbelievable statistics for how your competitors are using FAQ’s. Then, we’ll discuss how you should be using them to separate yourself from competitors.

  • Video 3.8: Making Your Website a Mesmerizing Bride-Magnet

    I’ll be sharing the 14 primo ingredients which attracts and then converts shopping brides into buying brides. This is “the” exact proprietary and proven website model which has taken me from 6 to 18 wedding cakes (most of them at higher prices) per week. The original concept was drawn-up by a mastermind group of 9 multimillion-dollar Internet marketing geniuses. This model has never been revealed before now. Take advantage of it while you can.

  • Video 3.9: You’ll Love Your Wedding Cake Guarantee

    In essence, the guarantee acts as an insurance policy for both you and your bride by addressing your bride’s main concerns and making you look like a compassionate hero. All the components (hot-buttons) of the guarantee were derived from our research results. There is no guess-work for how and why it works. You’ll receive a full explanation for how to use it. Plus, without the worry of giving refunds. It’s perfect for closing all brides, especially high-end brides and brides on the fence.

    (Word editable template included.)

  • Video 3.10: 33 Bakery Buster Questions

    If you’ve ever wondered how to thoroughly separate yourself from your competitors by proving how you are better than your competitors, this is the knock-out punch sales tool of all-time. It’s a 22-page booklet you give to your brides that highlights your strengths, credibility, trustworthiness, and talents. When your bride compares you to your competitors, it will like comparing Saks Fifth Ave to Target.