Bundle 1: Foundational Building Blocks



  • Video 1.1: Brilliant Philosophies of Highly Successful Wedding Cake Masters

    You’ll discover 5 philosophies super successful wedding cake artist’s exhibit and the critical  distinction between “helping vs. serving” brides.

  • Video 1.2: 12 Proven Psychological Principles for Encouraging Brides to Choose You

    We’ll review 12 psychological principles which impart a tremendous amount of influence for getting brides to say “Yes.” Understanding and using these principles is the difference between a baker who knows a little about selling wedding cakes and a baker who has advanced skills and the ability to take their sales and prices to the next level.

  • Video 1.3: The Insecurity Gap: An Unseen Wall Between You and Your Brides

    Uncover the #1 reason a certain number of brides are reluctant to buy from you and how you can overcome it

  • Video 1.4: Friction: What is and Why it’s Vitally Important You Know How to Deal with it

    Find out how to eliminate any dangerous static in your communication efforts with your brides. Your messaging should appeal to the hearts of your bride’s, instead of causing possible confusion and distrust. Our research has shown many bakers fail at recognizing friction. Now, you can be sure you won’t be one of them.

  • Video 1.5 Are You Aware There are Two Faces of Your Business

    One side of your business face is the one you see. Then, there’s a side of your business face you may not recognize. It’s the side brides notice that doesn’t match yours. If you want more leads, sales and profits, you better master this concept. In this presentation, I’m going to show you how to make both sides of your business face appear perfect.

  • Video 1.6: Creating the World’s Greatest Internal Reality How to Create the World’s Greatest Internal Reality

    To be super successful, you need to begin with the mindset of becoming the “World’s Greatest.”  When you do, you’ll create an atmosphere so special, your brides wouldn’t dare think of using anyone else. To accomplish this goal, I’ll share 68 “Credibility Boosters” to place you on a path toward greatness just in case you need a little help.

  • Video 1.7: The Bride’s Wedding Cake Buying Decision Matrix

    I’ve formulated a graph that pinpoints all the steps which go through a bride’s mind before they decide to hire someone. When you follow this matrix, your marketing will be doing everything to make sure it’s you.

  • Video 2.1: Cashing-in on Classified Competitive Intelligence

    While the course provides dominant knowledge and tools to outmuscle your competition, it makes good business sense to know what your competitors are up to. You’ll receive my private template full of pointed questions to discover which competitors don’t come close to your superiority. And, it helps you know which competitors might be closing in on you. When you couple your competitive intelligence with the innovations and breakthroughs in the “Insider Wedding Cake Marketing Advisory” newsletter, we’ll keep you on top.


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