Bundle 1: Essential Sales Tools



Video 1.9: 33 Bakery Buster Questions

(This Persuasive Sales Tool Will Generate an Instant Impact for Your Sales)

This is a powerful sales tool which has 33 questions your competitors hope and pray brides won’t ask. On the other hand, your answers will make you look like a shining-star. If you’re not going to write your own wedding cake book, this is the next best thing.



Video 1.10: First Bride’s Dialogue That Converts

(This Persuasive Sales Tool Will Generate an Instant Impact for Your Sales)

I’ll share two motivating phone scripts specifically for the first time a bride calls. They’ve been   crafted to provide brides with the confidence you’re better and different than anyone they’ve contacted. The bottom line is, it makes brides instantly eager to book a consultation. In  addition, it makes them look forward to their consultation.



Video 1.11: The Love Your Wedding Cake Guarantee

This is the same guarantee that made national news by offering a $10,000 wedding cake guarantee (Don’t worry you can make it any dollar amount and it will still work perfectly.) It’s extremely effective for getting brides to choose you. Plus, after you understand how to use it, you’ll wish you had it years ago.



Video 4.7: The Full-Disclosure Worksheet: Proving to Brides You’re Reasonable and Fair

This presentation will discuss how to use a sales tool called the “Full-Disclosure Worksheet” sales tool.  It is used to overcome a bride’s “Your Price is High” anxiety by establishing your prices are actually fair and reasonable It’s indispensable to quickly gain a bride’s trust by squelching her fear you’re ripping-her-off.


Video 9.22: Assembling a Crystal-Clear Sales Agreement.

I’ve frustratedly used 15 agreements over the last 40 years. Then, 3 years ago, I decided to conduct research with 200 bakers to develop the best possible order form we could come up with, so everything is crystal-clear. It turned out to be a long-tail order form, due to its ability to cover many items a bride might need or want, and plenty of particulars for the bridal cake. The legal mumbo-jumbo covers the most common issues we’ve repeatedly tackled selling 16,000 wedding cakes. But, that’s not all. We came to understand, the long-tail order form is a safety-valve to keep us on track for living up to our guarantee and as a prevention tool from making mistakes for items listed on the guarantee.


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