Gold Standard Wedding Cake Baker

When he began his research, he had a mission to find a “set of standards” exhibited by the greatest baker/designers he could find. Then, use those standards to create tools for brides to gauge any baker/designer.To his amazement, what he found was a total lack of standards and guidelines within the wedding cake industry.To his amazement, what he found was a total lack of standards and guidelines within the wedding cake industry.
Ed’s research has demonstrated 90% of baker/designers suffer from a lack of management and/or business skills. Most of the time, the problem does not lay in their technical (decorating ability) expertise.
“Gold Standard Wedding Cake Bakers” will address implementing the first set of national standards and best practices for wedding cake providers. As a result, our standards will offer brides a choice to choose between bakers who are highly skilled, competent and trustworthy, from those who can’t, won’t or don’t pass the grade.
If you believe the time is right for a “Dedicated Wedding Cake Organization” to represent and stand-up for those of us who are skilled, licensed, insured, health department compliant, and charge fair prices from those individuals who are not willing to comply with a basic set of standards, then consider joining “Gold Standard Wedding Cake Bakers of America.”
Together, as “Gold Standard Wedding Cake Bakers” we can separate ourselves from others based upon a respectable set of principles and ethics that greatly benefits brides and gives a positive and uplifting recognition to our individual bakeries and cake boutiques, as well as our industry.
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